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What Can We Do Under Global Warming?

global warming

Around the world, nations are upping their game in the fight against climate change. The climate’s worst enemy is carbon dioxide. People can curb their contribution to climate change by using less of it and in turn, saving money. A great way to reduce carbon footprint in businesses is by investing in green office equipment and green energy. Renewable energy sources like solar panels can be a good investment option for the business if it has cash reserves. It is the enterprise responsibility to;

  • Use recycled resources

Using recycled products like paper can help to preserve natural habitats and reduce deforestation. Recycled products can both reduce our carbon footprint and also safeguard the natural habitat of wildlife.

  • Offset carbon

This is a great way to reduce your overall greenhouse gas emissions. Based on your carbon outputs, the cost of becoming carbon-neutral by offsetting your total emissions to net-zero would vary. A carbon-neutral partner can help you find the most cost-effective option for the organization. When the organization is carbon neutral certified, customers have proof that you’re committed to reducing your environmental impacts. A greenhouse gas assessment covering waste produced, utility usage, and miles driven in company vehicles is done to detail the emissions from the company’s usual operation before certification. After the assessment, the verified party will offer a range of projects to offset your emissions like investing in renewable energy farms and tree planting projects.

  • Invest in green energy

Using solar power to power hand dryers, computers, coffee machines, and phones will reduce the businesses’ carbon footprint. Also, reducing the office’s thermostat temperature, using LED lighting, using appliances that have a high energy rating, turning lights off when not in use, and enabling energy-saving and battery-saving modes on all PC and mobile work devices will reduce the company’s energy consumption.

  • Plant trees

To further offset the company’s carbon emissions, tree planting or having a staff garden will boost the staffs’ wellbeing. If there is no space to plant your trees, the company can contribute to tree planting and vital biodiversity efforts in different parts of the world where they are needed most. With some tree planting projects, wherever they are, the amount of carbon the trees will sequester once fully grown and you’ll receive a certificate to show how many trees you’ve planted.

  • Buy used office furniture

Not only will buying used office furniture save the company some cash but also it’s better for the planet. Recycling and reusing goods avoid contributing towards further depletion of natural resources like metals and woods. This doesn’t mean you end up with low-quality furnishings. A great way of reducing your carbon footprint is buying sustainably sourced or recycled office furniture such as bamboo desks and recycled polypropylene canteen chairs.


  • Talk to customers and employees

To enable your workforce to get on board with the company’s environmental efforts, talking to them about the environment and inviting them to offer suggestions on how the company can help combat climate change will help you achieve this. They will feel a sense of pride and purpose in reducing environmental impacts. The employees’ involvement and ideas are essential for making sure the company succeeds wholly with recycling, reducing emissions, and saving energy. The new customer trends have indicated that people prefer to buy environmentally friendly services and products, therefore, customers may respond well to your eco-policies and efforts to reduce carbon footprint.

  • Stop using plastic id cards

Staff id cards are normally made of plastic that usually consists of PVC (polyvinyl chloride). This material consists of about 60% chlorine and 40% petroleum. Plastic cards are dense, water-resistant, and sturdy. They produce a high-quality print finish. Chip cards, RFID cards, hybrid cards, magnetic stripe cards, and barcode cards are the most common types of plastic cards. Plastic cards are used for identification and access control by many enterprises. But they are harmful to the environment. Click here to learn more about why we should stop using plastic cards.


Operating in ways that reduce the businesses’ carbon footprint is a win-win situation for your customers, the business, and the planet.

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