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How RFID LED Label Helps You In Asset Management

rfid led label for asset management

Every business faces a key challenge of managing and locating important assets. The time spent searching for critical equipment can lead to wasted labor, expensive downtime or delays, missed deadlines, and customer commitments. Companies have addressed this problem traditionally by managing assets using spreadsheets and serial numbers or tracking equipment with barcode labels. By utilizing radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to automatically track those assets, you can improve asset management. For fixed and mobile assets, RFID implementation can provide accurate, real-time tracking data.

How does RFID Led Label work?

The RFID Led label is a wireless communication that incorporates the use of electrostatic or electromagnetic coupling in the radio frequency portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to uniquely identify an object. The LED lights up when an interrogator reads the tag. The LED label on the RFID is for picking purposes. The label has a photoelectric sensor that only responds if it receives special optical signals. The LED label allows quick and easy visual identification of a specific tag. Where batteries are not recommended, consider using LED labels as they don’t require any kind of maintenance. When the LED label is in the range of an RFID reader, the RF signal coils, pick up the electromagnetic energy emitted and uses them to blink the LED. When close to contactless payment terminals, the LEDs light up. To flash LED balls on deco nails, there is the little chip that provides the RF power and the deco nail lights up when your fingers are placed near NFC working devices.

Purpose of RFID LED Labels

With a universal RFID device, it reads and locates labels with specific TID then remotely triggers LED on to assist in finding item’s location and greatly improving the management level and searching efficiency.  The RFID LED labels are used for asset tracking, warehouse management applications, RFID logistics, and long-range RFID asset locating.

The LED label allows confidential identification for each authorized product or service. The flashing light acts as a notice of anti-counterfeiting. The LED light will secure the wallet to prevent mistakes. There can be a different LED light color for the label classification of inventory and inspection.

The LED light label helps in reducing inventory handling costs, asset tracking and yard management, reducing out-of-stocks, improving inventory turns, optimizing space utilization, and a highly productive workforce. The LED light indicates a successful or failed track. It also prevents mistaken and repeated operations take out/put back items from the warehouse, which in turn prevents risks and damages during lifting up/down of goods that one is looking for.

Importance of RFID LED label

The LED label allows continuous monitoring of the warehouse and storage of raw material, components, and finished products in real-time. Through an LED light-emitting diode, the LED pad of the UHF chip is connected to the GND pad. With a simple command through the RFID reader to definite EPC in the RFID label, the selected LED RFID label will be luminous with a meter distance from the RFID reader. This is an idea of a low-cost E-tracking device that can track the item via RFID readers. This will help people to work correctly without comprehensive training to avoid misoperation.


Click here to learn more about RFID LED label and get a free sample.

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