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How’s RFID Used In The Laundry Industry?

rfid in laundry industry

RFID clothing tracking can be of great benefit if your business involves the constant and circular washing of clothes both on a large and small scale. Companies with multiple types of textiles, hotels, hospitals, or laundries consume a lot of resources and lead to losses and errors as they have a circular washing process that involves several manual processes. With RFID technology, each garment has a unique identification. An RFID tag is sewn to each garment making it possible to identify and trace it throughout the entire process, reducing costs, losses, optimizing washing cycles, and providing total control of the process. RFID is used in the laundry industry to;


Minimize loss and theft


Counting large quantities of stolen or lost textiles can lead to some human errors especially using manual inventory methods. The company can identify specific lost or stolen textiles swiftly with unique EPC numbers present on every RFID tag. The ability to account for and identify the item reduces the company’s chances of making losses as the guest in the hotel or hospital will pay for the missing garment.


Minimize manual laundry sorting


Hotels, hospitals, or other sectors that handle several different types of apparel have a tiresome and problematic sorting process. The whole process involves several hours of manually sorting out the laundry. Conversely, with the RFID laundry management system, the whole process becomes straightforward and efficient. With this system, each laundry item has an RFID tag that the reader will transmit an interrogating signal that will read the tag. Specific software will then determine the particular type of apparel or textile when the tag is read. Afterward, it is then directed to the correct area or machine.


Provide inventory visibility quickly and easily


Companies that lack inventory visibility cannot efficiently conduct operations or prevent loss or stolen items, therefore, they find it tough to plan for events accurately. RFID tags on textiles and apparel assist the company in taking daily and faster inventory.


Provide accurate check-in and check-out system


Without a seamless method of maintaining information like customer information, linen information, loan date, or due date, the whole process of renting or loaning textiles can be arduous. Conversely, the RFID system provides the needed customer database to store crucial information that provides good communication between the company and its customers. The hospitality sector has implemented the use of RFID technology to make laundry management operations easier to manage.


Give a precise accuracy of wash count records


In terms of metrics, the laundry’s wash cycle on every garment is essential. Analysts can predict the end-of-life date of the linen through the wash cycle. With RFID, upon release from the various washing machines, its reader swiftly detects the tags on the linen. The wash cycle count is then updated in the software’s database which ensures there is always available stock or replacement for the garment.




RFID technology allows the hospitality industry to have a proper laundry tracking system that obtains wash count records accurately. Therefore, chances of theft and other unnecessary issues are minimized and the whole laundry process becomes simple especially when large quantities are involved.

Learn more about RFID laundry tags.

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